Advanced Islamic Studies

It is a part of our mission at QCA as well as our great privilege to be able to prepare our students for a lifelong commitment towards the learning of the sacred sciences and a deep sense of social responsibility.

Advanced Islamic

It’s tough to be young these days. And the bigger reality is that it’s even tougher to be a parent these days. At QCA, we become your partner to put up with a world of challenges that we never knew growing up - the world of social media, technology, and instant gratification! As the personalities of our children evolve, so will their perceptions of faith and identity.

Our task, then, is to make sure that their beautiful faith continues to be relevant in their world for them. And this is achieved through open and engaging discussions on faith-based questions, cultural forces and realities that they must contend with today. Our vision is to provide an education that enables students to establish faith, practice, and excellence first and foremost in their own lives and prepares them to be able to contribute more fully towards a complex changing society. Our vision for the AIS program is to prepare our students for a lifelong commitment towards learning their faith while assisting them in forging a strong, positive identity that will enable them to successfully grapple the challenges they will experience as a youth in a continuously changing socio-political climate.

Quranic Arabic program at QCA

Quranic Arabic Program

The Quranic Arabic program at QCA, spanning from Kindergarten to 12th grade, is designed to teach students the language in which the Quran was revealed. Our aim is to provide students with a deep understanding of the Quranic text in its original language, enriching their spiritual and academic journey. With that goal in mind, each academic year has specific goals that progressively build students’ proficiency in Quranic Arabic.

    • Kindergarten to 3rd Grade:
      • Introduction to basic Arabic letters, sounds, and simple words found in the Quran.
      • Focus on correct pronunciation and foundational vocabulary from commonly memorized surah in the Quran.
    • 4th to 6th Grade:
      • Building on vocabulary and understanding basic grammatical structures in syntax.
      • Introduction to common phrases and verses from the Quran.
    • 7th to 9th Grade:
      • Deeper exploration of Quranic syntax and introduction to morphology.
      • Students begin to translate simple Quranic verses and understand their meanings.
    • 10th to 12th Grade:
      • Advanced study of Quranic Arabic, including complex grammatical rules and rhetorical styles.
      • Comprehensive translation and interpretation of Quranic passages.

Quranic Arabic Curriculum

  • QCA has designed its own foundational curriculum over the last 8 years, and it has shown great results.
  • The curriculum is reviewed annually to identify what works best for students and to make necessary improvements.

Primary Texts and Resources

  • K-5:
    • Path to 114
    • QCA Quranic Arabic Curriculum
  • 6-8:
    • Madinah Arabic Series
    • Qasas un Nabiyen
  • 9-12:
    • Lisanul Quran
    • Jalalayn

Islamic Studies

Islamic studies classes aim to build an appreciation and love for our deen and our Prophet (SAW), while also providing a foundation for self-improvement. ​One of the most vital components of the program entails mentorship and support from the instructors to our students.

Throughout the program, having consistent instructors enables students to build a strong bond, laying the foundation for a long-lasting student-teacher relationship. By enabling interactions beyond the academic setting, learning is expanded to a social realm which aids in a well-rounded understanding of the applications of their faith.

Our goal within the program is not only to provide a great education on the academic front but also to take steps to enhance their spirituality and character.

General Curriculum Outline K-12

  • K-5:
    • Adab/Aqeedah Quranic Stories Prophet Stories (Adam – Isa)
    • Fiqh Workshops
  • 6-8:
    • Adab/Aqeedah Stories of the Companions Life of the Prophet SAW
    • Fiqh Workshops
  • 9-12:
    • Lisanul Quran
    • Fiqh Workshops

Memorization of the Quran

  • Customized Memorization Goals: We tailor memorization goals to each student’s individual capacity, working closely with parents to set and achieve these targets.
  • Weekly Tajweed and Qirah Classes: These classes are designed to add value to the program, ensuring students learn proper pronunciation and recitation.
  • Positive Learning Environment: Our goal is to make learning enjoyable, fostering a love for learning and understanding the divine message. 
  • By keeping the program personalized and supportive, we aim to cultivate a lasting connection between our students and their faith.