Intelligence + Character
Our Youth, Our Future
Programs at QCA

Our Mission
Qalam Collegiate Academy (QCA) inculcates each young mind to lead a life of purpose and integrity by engaging the intellect, cultivating strength, and preparing them to assume responsibility and leadership in order to be an integral member of society.

Our Vision
QCA aims to be a leading institution of learning that integrates faith valueswith a challenging learning environment, empowering our students tonavigate a constantly changing world with confidence, integrity, andpurpose. Our commitment to character development, social responsibility,and service to others ensures that our graduates will be equipped to leadlives of meaning and impact in their communities and beyond.
QCA History & Milestones
Qalam Collegiate Academy, founded in 2013 with a humble beginning ofjust nine students and six teachers was initially launched as a for-profitfaith-based islamic private schools that would be the first to utilize thesingle gender learning model in the area. Opening in August, 2013 withonly nine students through grades 6-10, it was a pioneering project aimedat revolutionizing education for girls in our community.

Discover what our students and faculty have to say about their transformative journey at our university.